Who am i?
Hi I’m Tracey.
For many years, I have run Adventure and Health Retreats and have created these workshops as an opportunity for your business to keep your group engaged, and ensure they feel connected and motivated.
With lockdowns in Australia draining mental capacity, I have pooled my energy into creating these programs to help you.
I’m a certified Masters level Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, Healthy Eating Chef and Health Coach. I will ensure your session is tailored to your needs and love creating informative workshops and webinars that hold your attention, and deliver high quality thoughtful advice in an engaging way.
After almost two years of heightened stress and unpredictable global changes, we are now realising the different skills that are required to manage our work and home lives. Learning to plan family meals has never been so important and saving time, energy and money will lead to positive outcomes for individuals, families and the larger employment network.
There has never been a better time to give back to your team, or add some regular health and wellness into your workplace. All the workshops are suitable for teams of up to 30 people and we can run them at a time that suits you.