Covid-19. Doing our bit to keep you safe & secure.

Updated March 31st 2021 ā€“ Covid GuaranteeĀ 

Our priority is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our customers, staff and partners. However we also want to continue providing you awesome and unique travel opportunities.

To do this we are providing a Covid Guarantee for the followingĀ bookingsĀ and/orĀ eventsĀ :

  1. All existing events scheduled between March 26th 2020 and August 30th 2021.
  2. All new bookings made between September 1st 2020 and June 30th 2021

Our goal is to give you peace of mind when booking and confidence that if your trip or booking cannot proceed you will not lose your money. TSA have also developed a Covid on the Trail Policy to outline new policies and procedures we will adhere to on the trail.

Our Covid Guarantee is as follows:Ā 

  • All existing and new bookings within the above dates will be secured with a 100% date transfer or credit if your adventure (international, domestic, weekend or day event) does not proceed due to DIRECT COVID-19 restrictions. ie: lockdown, positive test, travel restriction.
  • Take Shape Adventures will provide a credit if we reschedule any event and you cannot attend the new date.Ā 
  • If you CHOOSE to not attend an event, our standard Terms & Conditions will apply.
  • Credit with TSA is valid for 24 months from the time of booking for events that have a start date within the 24 month period.Ā 
  • Refunds will not be available.Ā 

We look forward to seeing you on a walk, trip or adventure very soon.


Take Shape Adventures