TSA Online Hiking Education
Hike With Confidence
Essentials for getting started on the trail.
Want to get into hiking but don’t know where to start? Feeling overwhelmed not knowing what hike to do? What to pack and fitness levels? Want motivation to get into better shape physically and mentally? Feel like you want to get more out of life?
You’ve come to the right place as we have all the answers for you.
Enter your details to receive an 'All About Hiking Poles' video. A taste of what is to come in the course.
Our Hike With Confidence Course will teach you all you need to know to gain confidence at the start of your hiking journey. If you’re thinking about getting into shape, improving mental and physical wellbeing, meeting new like minded people, then hiking is your answer!
New to hiking? This course is perfect for you. The information provided is practical and will equip you with the skills to confidently step foot on the trail; either alone or with friends. Let us help you to feel confident on the trail by learning what to pack, save money knowing what gear to buy, where to put your $$ and why ‘good enough’ is sometimes all you need. We’ll help you choose where to start, and hold your hand as you take your first steps.
Plus you’ll get free hiking snack recipes you can whip up, fitness videos you can do at home, downloadable resources to keep you on track.
We have a designated course advisor on hand to answer any questions you have throughout.

What To Expect
- 10 sections of extensive hiking info to soak up
- ‘How to’ videos and ‘educational’ videos to watch
- How hiking will improve both your mental and physical wellbeing
- How to avoid common mistakes
- How to make hiking enjoyable even when you are gasping for air
- Quizzes to test your knowledge at the end of each section
- Activities to get you thinking about your new adventurer life
- Learn what you need to pack in your bag for hiking so you can get prepared for your hike
- Gearing buying information and recommendations, we’ve provided some thoughts for choosing shoes and rain jackets.
- Handy downloads to print and stick on the fridge or around the house
- Join in a stretch class you can do at home, plus a free one week fitness schedule to follow
- Set yourself goals using the SMART goal template
- Receive practical information on how to stay safe on the trail so you can head out with confidence
- Learn the grading system for hikes so you know where to start and how to progress
- Delve into finding your purpose so you can achieve goals and create habits that stick
- We cover all the basics to help you hit the trail in confidence
Each section includes valuable insights and information you need to start your hiking journey.
- Receive a FREE one-week training program to get you moving
Perfect if you’re wanting to start or build up your hiking fitness.
- Easy-to-follow Course
Work through at your own pace and start wherever you’d like. There is no specific order to this course, so if learning What To Pack – Kit Essentials is your priority, jump to that section.
- Quizzes and recorded answers
Your answers to each quiz will be recorded which you can refer back to. This can help track your progress and reflect on your learnings.

Our Hike With Confidence Course is aimed at people wanting to start hiking and reap the mental and physical benefits of nature and adventure. As well as learning practical skills to boost your confidence on the trail, you’ll tap into your purpose around starting this journey so that it becomes a habit that sticks: a new lifestyle! You’ll also learn information specifically about hike grades and trails, gear and equipment, what to buy, where to save, the essentials vs. the nice to have.
We’ve collated and combined our broad knowledge and years of experience; and condensed it into this handy course. With a wide range of resources from PDF downloads, informative videos, instructional videos and try-it-at-home videos.
You’re getting a lot for your buck! Start learning today!
Sign up now and receive your self-paced course straight away!
Disclaimer: The information shared during this program is for general purposes only. The information is not intended to provide you with an exceptional level of knowledge and does not mean that you won’t get lost. It is not a certified course.