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Welcome to the Mindful Eating Workshop!

Are you tired of struggling with emotional eating, mindless snacking, and feeling guilty after meals? Are you ready to transform your relationship with food and create a healthier, more fulfilling way of eating? If so, our Mindful Eating Workshop is perfect for you! As women in our middle age, we often face unique challenges when it comes to our relationship with food. Hormonal changes, stress, and busy lifestyles can all impact our eating habits and overall well-being. That’s why it’s crucial to develop mindful eating skills that nourish both our bodies and minds. This doesn’t mean that the workshop is not for men, you too can also learn a lot about what’s going on for you. Our workshop is designed exclusively for people like you who are looking to cultivate a mindful approach to eating. Led by experienced mindfulness and nutrition expert, Tracey, this workshop provides you with practical tools and techniques to help you bring awareness, intention, and joy to your meals.

Tuesday May 9, 7pm

Free for TSA Members, Non-members $30

During the workshop, you'll learn how to:

Sign Up

Our Mindful Eating Workshop provides a safe and supportive space to explore your relationship with food, discover mindful eating techniques, and build healthy habits that last a lifetime. Join us for a transformative experience that will help you develop a nourishing and mindful relationship with food, improve your overall well-being, and cultivate a positive body image. Sign up for our Mindful Eating Workshop today and take the first step towards creating a healthier, more mindful, and fulfilling way of eating. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your relationship with food and live a more vibrant, balanced, and mindful life. Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot now! We look forward to guiding you on this empowering journey towards mindful eating and greater well-being. See you at the workshop!

Free for TSA Members, Non-members $30

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