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News and Stories from Take Shape


How Outdoor Exercise and Adventure Boosts Mental Health

All activity is good, but outdoor exercise is better. The choice between indoor and outdoor exercise is a no-brainer, scientists say. A new study determined, while all exercise is known to improve cognitive function, activity conducted in an outdoor environment produces more benefit to the brain than the same exercise indoors.

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13 Incredible Hiking Outdoor Adventures in Melbourne

Feel like hiking around Melbourne? While clinging close to the CBD might offer you plenty of classic Melbourne walks, you’ll need to venture outside of the city to find those hard-won hiking trails. So next time you’re feeling like you need to bathe yourself in nature, leave Melbourne’s storied restaurants, cafes, bars and museums behind and head on out to these 13 glorious hiking trails.

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How to Live an Intuitive Life with Adventure

In a world filled with constant pressure to be “good” according to societal standards, it’s easy to fall into the trap of relying solely on willpower to navigate our choices and actions. However, there’s a refreshing alternative that involves tapping into our intuition, cultivating self-awareness, and infusing life with a sense of adventure.

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8 Health Benefits of Getting Back to Nature and Spending Time Outside

In all honesty, Mother Nature may find the indoor world pretty tough to compete with sometimes. After all, she can’t offer flat-screen TVs, air conditioning, or WiFi. But she might potentially offer something even more important: improved health, by way of a stronger immune system, better sleep, and reduced stress. Spending time outdoors can boost physical and mental health in a range of ways. You don’t have to spend hours at a time outside before those benefits kick in, either.

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Things You (Probably) Don’t Know About Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is truly astounding, and an important part of our planet’s natural landscape. Located in Tanzania, it is Africa’s tallest mountain, measuring at about 5,895 metres tall. Because it is the tallest mountain in Africa, it earns its place as the fourth tallest of the world’s seven summits, a group made of the tallest mountains on each continent. Although fourth tallest in this group, it is actually the tallest free-standing mountain in the world, as it is not part of a mountain range. However, don’t let all these impressive statistics intimidate you; Kilimanjaro is considered the easiest of the seven summits to climb as it requires no equipment or technical skills.

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6 Tips to Keep You Going in Winter

In today’s busy world, spending time outdoors is essential for our mental health and building connections. However, in the darker days of Winter, it tends to become easy to spend less time outside and find excuses to neglect this vital time. We need to flip the narrative! Winter presents a unique opportunity to embrace the outdoors. Hiking is an excellent way to warm up and enjoy the winter season, without worrying about dehydration, getting burnt, snakes, or being booked up with work social events. Here are six tips to ensure you have a fantastic hiking experience in the rain and winter.

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Are You Teaching Your Kids These Negative Traits?

We’ve all heard the saying “actions speak louder than words,” but how often do we stop and really think about what our actions are saying to those around us, especially to our children? So often we get caught up saying things on auto-pilot, whether it’s to ourselves or others, without a thought of how our kids learn from what we say and reflect it in the way they talk to themselves and others. I started thinking about this concept the other day from a very unexpected place: a Facebook post about Taylor Swift. Whether you’re a fan or not, I can guarantee that you’ll find some food for thought in this blog regarding the things we can unknowingly pass onto our kids.

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When Was The Last Time You Asked For Help?

Have you heard the quote, “do something uncomfortable every day”? It’s one of my favourites, but when you try to do something hard, new, or uncomfortable everyday, you’re going to have to ask for help every now and then – and this can be uncomfortable in itself for many people! If you’re anything like me, you might be wonderful at giving help, but terrible at asking for it. It can feel like admitting defeat or burdening others with our problems. But it’s something I am working on, both asking for help and remembering that helping others feels good. Here’s what I’ve learnt in that process.

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The Positive Butterfly Effect of Adventure

Many people ask what adventure is good for, and we usually immediately think about the personal benefits of nature and adventure, and how it can improve our physical health, refresh our minds, and help us create new and exciting connections with others. But the positive effects of nature ripple out further than that, with adventurers supporting small businesses and individuals both locally and across the whole world! So let us walk you through (pardon the pun) exactly how adventure can be both fun and impactful.

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Julie’s Journey

We’re back with another community story! This week, we’re hearing from the wonderfully delightful Julie Ewing, who I think should be an inspiration to us all in her ability to put her fears aside and give things a go. Although she’s only been adventuring with TSA for a little over a year, she quickly became beloved by our guides and staff for her infectious personality and iconic Facebook Community posts. So have a read to hear about her journey!

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The Unknown Secret to Being More Productive

Have you ever thought about how different you feel when you’re in nature, compared to when you’re at work in an office – or whatever type of space is relevant to you? As someone who is most familiar with an office, I know it can sometimes feel stifling, closed in, and uninspiring. I reckon this can affect my work more than I realise. But when I’m out in nature, the sun’s shining, birds are chirping, I feel like a million bucks! But did you know that beyond the sheer joy of outdoor escapades, there’s some serious science behind how nature and adventure can supercharge your productivity? Keep reading to learn about the positive psychology concept of Flow, and how getting outdoors can get you in the zone like never before!

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Why Spontaneity Isn’t Always the Best Approach to Adventure

Are you more of a last-minute adventurer or do you need a long-term plan to fit in all your adventures? I speak to all kinds of people and there’s a massive range out there, from those who need to know about a short hike weeks in advance, to people who book a weekend of adventure on a Thursday! Whether you want your next hiking adventure to last a few hours, a few days, or even a few weeks, you may want to start thinking about planning your next hiking adventure in advance. Here’s why…

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