Regret. It’s a word that makes most of us squirm. It carries the weight of mistakes made, paths not taken, and decisions we might wish we could undo. In a world where we’re constantly told to live without regrets, it’s tempting to sweep them under the rug, lock them in a closet, and throw away the key. But what if regret isn’t the dirty secret we think it is? What if regret is actually a signpost on the adventure of life, nudging us toward growth, reflection, and, ultimately, forward movement?
Regrets aren’t the enemy
Regrets are part of being human. They remind us that we care about the choices we make, the risks we take, and the lives we want to live. Hiding them away as something shameful robs us of their potential to teach us. Every regret offers a lesson, like a map of “what could have been” that invites us to explore possibilities rather than fear them.
It’s well-documented that at the end of our lives, our biggest regrets aren’t about the things we did, they’re about the things we didn’t do. That adventure or trip we didn’t go on, the hobby we gave up on, or the relationships we let fall to the wayside. Yet, ironically, it’s often easier to justify not doing something. If we never make a decision, we can’t fail, right? We can avoid the sting of regret altogether.
But here’s the thing: avoiding regret also keeps us small. It keeps us safe in our comfort zones, clutching the illusion of control while life’s richest experiences pass us by.

Reflection is a privilege
When we dare to reflect on our regrets, no matter how scary, we unlock their power. Maybe we avoided something because it felt too risky or too uncertain. Maybe we were scared to fail or scared of what others might think. By looking backward, we can ask ourselves tough but important questions: What held me back? What could I learn from this? How can I approach the next opportunity differently?
Reflection doesn’t mean that we wallow in self-pity or beat ourselves up. It just means that we acknowledge and honour the choices we’ve made, right or wrong, and appreciate how they’ve shaped our journey. It’s about giving ourselves permission to be messy, imperfect, and gloriously human.
Trying and failing in life’s adventures
Despite the emphasis that society places on succeeding in work, relationships, lifestyle, finances, and most other parts of life, the truth is that we aren’t designed to get everything right. Life isn’t a perfectly planned itinerary, it’s more of a choose-your-own-adventure story, complete with twists, turns, and a few dead ends. Regrets are part of that adventure. They’re proof that we tried, that we reached for something, even if it didn’t work out the way we hoped.
Social media hasn’t made this easier. In a digital world where everyone’s mistakes are scrutinised and judged, it’s tempting to aim for perfection. In fact, most people’s social media feeds project this idea of perfection and constant satisfaction to the world, giving them temporary happiness but causing feelings of inferiority in others. But perfection isn’t the goal. Growth is. And growth only happens when we take chances, embrace failure, and reflect on the lessons life throws our way.

Take the scenic route in life
Our goal in life shouldn’t be to take the shortest or easiest route to the finish line because we all reach the finish line at the end of the day. Life is the best possible example of the journey being more important than the destination. It’s about taking the scenic route: the one filled with breathtaking views, detours, and yes, even regrets. Every mistake and failure adds texture to our journey, making it richer, deeper, and more meaningful.
So, let’s stop fearing regret. Let’s stop hiding from it like it’s something to be ashamed of. Instead, let’s embrace it as a guide and a reminder that we’re alive, we’re learning, and we’re growing. At the end of the day, the only true regret is not living fully. Take the risk. Try the thing. Chase the dream. Even if it doesn’t go perfectly, you’ll have a story to tell and a lesson to carry forward. And isn’t that what life is all about?
Give yourself a new story to tell and put yourself outside of that comfort zone with one of the incredible adventures on our calendar – explore them HERE.